Hello, I’m
Syed Muneeb Ali
Award-Winning Science Writer

Who is Muneeb?
Syed Muneeb Ali (Urdu: سید منیب علی) is a Pakistani award-winning Science writer, science journalist and an amateur astronomer. He is a feature writer at Dawn News and Express News (Pakistan). He is also co-founder and general secretary of Astrobiology Network of Pakistan.
He wrote his first Urdu book Kainaat - Aik Raaz on astronomy in 2018 (which was published in December 2019) which won National Science Award 2019 (Second Prize) by Urdu Science Board, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (Pakistan).
Kainaat - Aik Raaz
Kainaat - Aik Raaz is written by Syed Muneeb Ali which includes the basics of Astronomy and is suitable for all the beginners who have an interest in Astronomy.

December 2017
National STEM School
Outstanding Performance Award at 2nd National STEM School
Participated in National STEM School 2017 organized by Pakistan Innovation Foundation and got outstanding performance award in Physics
April 2019
Urdu Science Board
National Urdu Science Award 2019
My first book "Kainaat - Aik Raaz" won 2nd Second Prize at National Urdu Science Award 2019 which was organized by Urdu Science Board, Ministry of Informations, Government of Pakistan (GoP).
December 2020
Freie University Berlin, Germany
My 3d Animation published by German University
Freie University Berlin published my 3d scientific animation about possibility of life on Enceladus (Saturn's Moon) on their website.
March 2022
180 Seconds Space Film Festival
My Space Animation won Best Animation award
My animation was selected as the best animation (production) at the 180 Seconds Space Film Festival organized by the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan (HEC), Institute of Space Technology (IST), and National Center of GIS and Space Applications (NCGSA).

My Work
I worked with