Kainaat - Aik Raaz

Kainaat - Aik Raaz is written by Syed Muneeb Ali which includes the basics of Astronomy and is suitable for all the beginners who have an interest in Astronomy.

Price: PKR 600 (Including delivery*)

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In this book, the author has tried to answer many emerging questions in the brains of all his readers. He’s taking my reader on a journey that goes from the very beginning of the universe to the seekers of it, the present-day inhabitants. Although many chapters of this book are adapted from my generally written articles on the Dawn News website, I hope this book will give readers more information about the universe. The chapters in the book are divided in such a way that the reader, after passing through the events of the Big Bang, will arrive near the Black Hole where he will learn about time travel. And when he returns to the solar system, he’ll look at human quest. After describing the location of the earth and its atmosphere, the steps taken for the promotion of astronomy in Pakistan are highlighted.

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